Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Gavin at 18 months...

We were so happy to get outside shooting on Monday. It has rained so much this past 1 1/2 months and we were getting cabin fever.

Really nothing looks better then natural light outdoors. And after doing this session I am even more convinced of that. Although it could of been Gavin himself.  :-)

He has been easy to photograph since he was a baby. We really do love photographing him. He has such a happy disposition. He is funny and outgoing and really sweet to Tommy & I.
I will say it again...that it is cool we get to watch Gavin grow up.

I told Jamie that she could bring some of Gavin's favorite things. Well one of them is a chair. This was a cool idea that we incorporated into the shots and it turned out really fun and different.

Enjoy your sneak peak! We will get your others up soon! Trust me there are a lot to choose from he made it hard to narrow down!

- Jennifer


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